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Our 206 bones perform some pretty important functions in our body; from forming our framework to protecting our soft organs. Caring for our bones isn’t something we should worry about only as we age; it’s just as important in our younger years as well. Bone density can only be increased up to about age 30, afterwards we move into maintaining what we have and preventing significant decline.

Our bones are constantly regulating calcium balance and repairing from everyday stress, a process called remodelling (when bone is created and replaced). Our bones also act as a reserve for vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus and they store important growth factors like proteins. They also store fatty acids and heavy metals/toxins that are removed from the blood where they can have a negative effect on tissue.

In times when our bodies are depleted of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fatty acids) the bone can be broken down to release these nutrients for use by the body. When our bones are not being well supported we can start to have problems with things like:

  • Osteoporosis (loss of bone density)

  • Osteomalacia (weakened bones)

  • Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone or marrow from bacterial infection)

  • Arthritis

  • Fractures

  • …. Among others

So what can we do to ensure that our bones are well supported, healthy and strong?

  • Decrease your acidic load by removing caffeine, tobacco and carbonated drinks

  • Effectively managing stress (be sure to download the free resource from the website: I’m Stressed Pass The Chocolate!)

  • Incorporating a whole foods diet with fresh, good quality foods

  • Ensuring an adequate intake of protein; protein deficiency = bone loss

  • A diet rich in vegetables and an adequate amount of fruit (3 servings per day)

  • Adequate safe, good quality drinking water (approximately 8-8 oz. glasses per day)

  • Exercise regularly, especially beneficial is incorporating some weight bearing exercises into your routine

Important nutrients for our bones and some food sources of each:



Vitamin D

  • exposure to sunshine (safe exposure), cod liver oil, egg yolk, butter, halibut

Vitamin K

Vitamin C

  • Strawberries, blackberries, leafy greens, lemons, oranges, grapefruit, avocadoes

Vitamin B’s


  • Fish, pumpkin seeds, soy beans, eggs, legumes, whole grains





  • Fruits, vegetables, raisins, prunes, nuts

If you would like more support to help ensure that your dietary plan is nutritious and BALANCED click here to take advantage of a Complimentary 15 minute Consultation or to book a Consultation or Assessment package here

Sending A Wish Your Way For A Well BALANCED Day


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August 20, 2015

I am pleased to announce our commitment to Canadian Feed the Children, an organization dedicated to providing support to children and families in Canada as well as internationally in Bolivia, Ethiopia, Ghana and Uganda.

We have committed to donating a portion of our monthly sales to Canadian Feed the Children to help provide children and families in need with such things as increased access to nutritious food and quality education, and community support. Together we are creating a healthier and brighter future for children around the world.

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