Here’s one of my all time favourite carrot recipes that I could easily incorporate into every meal!
6 to 8 good-sized carrots
2 tsps. butter
1 ½ tbsps. maple syrup
1 tsp. dried marjoram
Salt and pepper
Trim and peel carrots. Cut into strips and cook in boiling water until cooked but firm.
Drain and remove from pot.
Put pot back on the stove and melt butter, being sure not to let it burn. Once it’s bubbly and starts to foam, add maple syrup, salt and pepper and marjoram. Within 30 seconds it should get bubbly and become quite thick and sticky. At this point, put the carrots back in, turn heat down and toss well to coat.
These can be served right away, or make the night before and refrigerate. Reheat in microwave or in oven.
Serves 4 to 6
Or try one of the following:
To find out the great nutritional benefits of carrots click here
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